
What Are UK VAT Returns and Refunds?

In the UK, businesses registered with HMRC as non-resident VAT traders are required to submit periodic VAT Returns. These returns play a crucial role in determining the amount of VAT a business needs to pay to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) or be reimbursed for. VAT is governed by a complex set of rules, deadlines, thresholds, and regulations, all of which businesses must comply with. 

 Detailed Guide on UK VAT Returns, VAT Refunds, Submission Deadlines, and Penalties.

1. VAT Return Dates UK

In the UK, VAT Returns are typically filed on a quarterly basis. However, businesses that regularly receive VAT repayments may be eligible to file returns on a monthly basis.

Key Filing Scenarios:

  • Quarterly Filings: This is the default frequency for VAT returns in the UK. Each quarter covers three months, and businesses need to file their returns for each period.

  • Monthly VAT Returns: Businesses that consistently receive VAT repayments can apply to HMRC to file returns monthly. This helps businesses better manage their cash flow by receiving regular VAT refunds.

  • Advance Payments on Account: HMRC may require businesses to make monthly payments toward their VAT liability. These payments are based on estimated VAT amounts and will be deducted from the quarterly return amount.

2. What Are the UK VAT Return Deadlines?

For businesses filing VAT Returns quarterly, the deadline for submitting your return is generally the 7th of the second month following the end of the reporting period.

Key Points on VAT Deadlines:

  • Typical Deadline: The general deadline for submitting VAT Returns is the 7th of the second month after the end of the reporting period. This allows a little over a month after the period ends to prepare the return and make the payment.

  • Businesses on the Annual VAT Accounting Scheme: Businesses that are part of the Annual VAT Accounting Scheme have a different deadline. Instead of quarterly filings, they can submit one VAT return each year, which requires additional planning and preparation to ensure compliance.

  • HMRC’s Published Deadlines: It’s crucial to monitor the official VAT deadlines published by HMRC. Businesses must adhere to these deadlines, as failing to do so can lead to penalties and interest charges.

3. UK VAT Penalties for Late Returns

Late submissions of VAT Returns or payments can incur significant penalties under the new VAT default surcharge system introduced on January 1, 2023. Under this system, there are separate penalties for late VAT Return submissions and late VAT payments. In addition, interest is calculated differently for late taxpayers and late payments to HMRC.

Key Features of the New VAT Penalty System:

  • Late VAT Return Penalties: The new penalty system uses a point-based system for VAT returns. If you miss a deadline, you accumulate penalty points. Once a certain number of points are reached, a fine of £200 is issued. After that, every subsequent missed deadline will incur an additional penalty.

  • Late Payment Penalties: Penalties for late payments are calculated based on the amount of VAT owed and the duration of the delay. The longer the payment is delayed, the higher the penalty and interest charges.

  • Interest on Late Payments: HMRC now calculates interest on overdue VAT payments based on the number of days they are late. This is a key change that ensures businesses are held accountable for late payments.

  • Automatic Penalty Notices: Under the new system, HMRC will automatically issue penalty notices for missed VAT returns and late payments. It’s essential for businesses to avoid accumulating penalty points by ensuring they submit VAT Returns on time and pay the VAT owed promptly.


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4. How Do UK VAT Refunds Work?

A VAT refund occurs when a business’s VAT Return shows that it has overpaid VAT. If the amount of VAT you have paid exceeds the amount of VAT you owe to HMRC, the difference is refunded. VAT refunds are typically processed within 30 days of HMRC receiving your VAT return, assuming the return is accurate and no further information is required.

Key Aspects of VAT Refunds:

  • VAT Refund Process: Once HMRC processes your VAT Return and verifies that you are eligible for a refund, the VAT will be refunded. This is usually done by direct deposit into your bank account if HMRC has your bank details on file. If they do not have this information, they will send a cheque to your registered address.

  • Repayment Interest: If HMRC delays the refund beyond the 30-day period, they are required to pay repayment interest. This interest is added to the VAT refund amount and is typically paid alongside the refund.

  • Claiming VAT Refunds: Businesses can apply for VAT refunds if they are eligible, and they should ensure that the VAT returns are accurately completed to avoid any delays or complications. Having your VAT accounting records in order is essential for a smooth refund process.

5. Avoiding VAT Penalties: How Meru Accounting Can Help

Managing VAT Returns, deadlines, and penalties can be a complex task, but it’s essential for businesses to stay compliant with HMRC’s rules to avoid costly penalties.

Services We Offer:

  • VAT Return Filing: Meru Accounting can handle the filing of your VAT Returns, ensuring they are submitted on time and accurately.

  • Payment Management: We can help you manage advance VAT payments on account and assist in making sure payments are made on time to avoid penalties.

  • VAT Refund Assistance: If you’re due a VAT refund, Meru Accounting can help you file the necessary paperwork and ensure that your refund is processed promptly.

  • Penalty Management: With our expert knowledge, we can help you avoid the accumulation of penalty points, keeping your VAT filings on track and ensuring timely payments.



UK VAT Returns and VAT Refunds involve a range of deadlines, rules, and regulations that businesses must follow to stay compliant. Understanding the deadlines, avoiding late filings and payments, and ensuring timely VAT refunds are all crucial for maintaining good standing with HMRC. If you need assistance managing your VAT Returns or understanding the intricacies of the VAT system, Meru Accounting is here to help guide you through the process.

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